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More Time Travel Videos

Posted by Frater Anselmo on Saturday, December 11, 2010, In : Time Travel 
Everyone loves the new Time Travel page, so we've added a few more videos to inspire and aid those intrepid explorers of other dimensions of time and space.  For those who are not so bold as to attempt such feats, you may still want to watch if for no other reason than to ruminate upon your own mortality and how quickly your own life shall pass and be forgotten, like some scene from the past.  Time waits for no one, so what better time to apply yourself to a serious study of life extension, b...
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New Time Travel Page

Posted by Frater Anselmo on Friday, September 24, 2010, In : Time Travel 
To all my time traveling friends, I offer these little vignettes as an inspiration for your meditations.  Go to our new Time Travel page to see them.  The first video is a look into the future - as seen from the eyes of people in the 1920's.  The second is a lovely look into a more stylish past - a night at the famed Ciro's in London.  I think I'll dust off my tux and join them for the evening.  Would you care to come along?  Happy projections!

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About Me

Frater Anselmo For those who do not already know me, I am Frater Anselmo, Secretary-General of The Brotherhood of the Rosy Cross. I answer most of the emails and handle the correspondence in addition to other duties. Frater Cyprian has graciously allowed me to add this feature to our website to provide timely wisdom and spiritual encouragement to the Brotherhood and its many friends. I will consider and try to answer any questions or issues submitted to me via email or letter that may be of interest to our readers. I encourage my fellow fraters and sorors of the R.C. to submit their own posts. Send to my attention and be sure to mention possible inclusion in "Frater Anselmo's Blog." May these words be seasoned with wisdom and bless everyone who reads them.

Brotherhood of the Rosy Cross

The Brotherhood of the Rosy Cross continues the traditions and  teachings of the original Rosicrucian Brotherhood and the Knights Templar.  It is a fraternity of the ancient mysteries; a brotherhood of fortune, romance and adventure.

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